

Shaping investments in health and wellbeing with data-driven insights.

︎ Developing the World Health Organization's Urban Health Research Agenda

Worked with the World Health Organization in consolidating surveys, big data analysis, and stakeholder consultations, into a coordinated and solution-oriented Urban Health Research Agenda to push for evidence-based solutions to disease prevention and health promotion in urban environments.
︎ An Evidence and Gap Map on Children’s Wellbeing

Worked with the UNICEF Office of Research on an evidence synthesis project, creating an  Evidence and Gap Map (EGM) of “Inclusive Interventions for Children with Disabilities in LMICs”, to inform strategic areas for investment for child wellbeing.


Using data-driven approaches to generate transformative insights.

︎ User-Centered Mobile Health Initiatives to Promote Healthy Behaviours

Used user-driven insights to inform further development of the Jooay application, a digital resource for improving access to health-promoting opportunities for Canadian children with disabilities.

︎ Using Crowd-sourced Data to Inform Neighbourhood Investments for Health

Linked crowdsourced data from a digital listing of inclusive physical activity programs in cities to data on neighborhood-level deprivation, to explore neighborhood differences in access to resources for wellbeing.